
I have very annoying problem.. First a simple diagram :

x.x.1.0/24 -----------------|
x.x.2.0/24 -----------------|---- (gw: eth0: x.x.1.1 eth1: x.x.2.1 eth1: x.x.3.1)  
x.x.3.0/24 -----------------|

now I have two machines x.x.3.10 (2.4 kernel) and x.x.3.11(2.6 kernel) 
AND they are in the same LAN (phisical net) but as u see in different IP (logical 

As I look the traffic with tcpdump and iftop and  the path is the following :
(f.e lets take host at address x.x.1.5 and destination x.x.3.10 )

x.x.1.5  ----> gw:x.x.1.1 ----> x.x.3.10 ---> x.x.1.5 

take into account gateway on the return path is not used (remember they are on the 
same LAN), which is what I want...

Now I have deployed a new server with a 2.6 kernel, all other routing tables,ifconfig 
is the same.. but now the path 
of the packets is :

x.x.1.5  ----> gw:x.x.1.1 ----> x.x.3.11 ---> gw:x.x.3.1?  --->  x.x.1.5 

Now I want the first behavior, but have no CLUE what is different, is there some 
option to set or what ?!!

The second behavior is the not suitable 'cause if there wasn't qos on the gateway it 
will not be able to handle the traffic...

One my thought is this has to be something with ARP..'cause I dont see arp entires on 
the new machine ... 

#arp -n | wc -l

on the old one there is :

# arp -n | wc -l

both are contacted from many hosts... much more than 3 !!

?? ANY IDEA ??

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