
Don't you mark on the inbound interface and shape on the outbound

Mike Fetherston

> -----Original Message-----
> From: FB [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, July 09, 2004 1:11 PM
> Subject: [LARTC] Layer 7 netfilter not working
> Hello there!
> I am trying to get traffic shaping working on my Linux router (debian
> woody 3r02) and for some things I wanted to use the layer 7 packet
> classifier, but I can't get it to work.
> Here is what I did:
> -downloaded the patches from http://l7-filter.sourceforge.net
> -downloaded the kernel 2.6.7 source
> -downloaded the iptables 1.2.11 source
> -patched kernel (layer7 patch and some patch to get iptables 1.2.11
> working with kernel 2.6.7)
> -patched iptables
> -compiled iptables
> -activated layer 7 support in kernel-config (and a lot of other packet
> classifing options)
> -compiled and installed kernel
> Now I tried to mark some packets with layer 7 so that I can shape them
> with tc afterwards. But nothing changed, outgoing connection still
> didn't changed. So I changed the line in the iptables-script to this:
>   $IPTABLES -t filter -A OUTPUT -m layer7 --l7dir /etc/l7-protocols
> --l7proto ftp -j DROP
> before it was:
> $IPTABLES -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -m layer7 --l7proto ftp -j MARK
> --set-mark 322
> but nothing of them worked (I could still connect over ftp). The
> /proc/net/layer7_numpackets is 08 (don't know which 8 packets got
> identified there, but the number is not going any higher).
> Any help is really appreciated!
> -FB
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