On Wed, 2004-13-10 at 18:12 -0400, Jason Boxman wrote:
> I was playing with that as well, but of late it doesn't seem to be actively 
> developed.  Someone else mentioned LQL[1], but it doesn't seem to have hooks 
> to let you grab qdisc stats yet.
> [1] http://www.coverfire.com/lql/

> LQL seems to be the only actively developed project currently that could 
> eventually allow you to plug into netlink and poll for statistics.  Right now 
> it seems you can only get and set parameters.

I am currently working on statistics support. These new features are not
done yet but should be within a couple of weeks. See below for a bit
more information.


OpenPGP key: http://www.coverfire.com/files/pubkey.txt
Key fingerprint: FB0A 2D8A A1E9 11B6 6CA3  0C53 742A 9EA8 891C BD98

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