On Saturday 09 October 2004 03:19, Alexis wrote:
> Hi all.
> Here's the situation
> Linux box with eth0 connected to LAN, and eth1 connected to internet via
> cablemodem.
> Connected to the lan are some voip devices, ive configured htb in eth1 to
> save some bandwith for the voip devices. Now i have another issue, at some
> hours of the days, some servers in the lan downloads data from other
> servers in internet and they use all bandwith available.
> My question is the following.
> Applying some classes to eth0 is a good way to reserve some bandwith for
> the traffic that comes from internet to the voip devices?

> I mean, is this a good way to manage the "download" traffic?


 "Using Linux as bandwidth manager"
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