On Saturday 22 January 2005 12:15, Riccardo Losselli wrote:
> i would like to ask if this is a normal behaviour before keeping to try
> to understand if i missed something somewhere..
> if it's not normal i would post my script and ask for a suggestion.
> BTW i get the same results when using wondershaper and so on.

What I found most helpful, when things were not working as I thought I had 
configured them to, was to graph for a duration and compare the incidents 
with the graph output.  If you can pinpoint spikes on the graph or other 
events with VoIP issues, you might see if your configuration is at fault.

( Shameless plug:
http://trekweb.com/~jasonb/articles/traffic_shaping/monitoring.html )


Jason Boxman
Perl Programmer / *NIX Systems Administrator
Shimberg Center for Affordable Housing | University of Florida
http://edseek.com/ - Linux and FOSS stuff

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