that is the hard part to make it not mess with normal if-up/down scripts
and routes they add...
I have alot of manual routes and rules which are not easy handled
especialy when I add another boxes which also happen to have different 
If I can figure out the format of the default-ip-up/down routes I can
skip them with a regex..
will have to look..

|I think it doesn't sound elegant, routing system strictly depends on 
|availability interfaces, so setting up routes should be done in if-up 
|and if-down script, for example, if you unplug a NIC before booting the 
|computer, do you want the route for that NIC to be set up? And sometimes 
|you may need to bring down a NIC - then the kernel will delete your 
|routes automatically, if you have a nice if-up script, the routes will 
|be recovered when you bring it up. An init.d script can't do it.
|If you still want a init.d script, go ahead and write your own script, 
|it's rather easy to do save states and restore on boot, but I guess you 
|may want things to done right instead of a messy solution.
|>Anyone to know iproute-save, iproute-restore like script similar 
iptables-save/restore ?
|>that stores everytihng routes,rules,tables everything ... 
|>then init.d-script that among other things stores the state on shutdown :") 
(thats easy then)

snip> MS Office is popular in the same way as heart disease is the most popular 
way to die.
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