Paulo Ricardo Bruck wrote:
> all right . Let me insert more details about it. ( sorry I started w/ a
> single scenario just to understand things easier )

> At Linux Qos I have:
> debian sarge ( iptables + squid + ntop + psad + apache (only for
> reports) + acid + snort) 
> Sometimes I use 2 links to ISP ( providing load balance)
> BTW nice work at lartc. w/ this session about it. 80)
> It means that at Linux QoS I have not only linux as a router, but Linux
> serving some applications and QoS too.
> Again sorry for make things not so clear at my first e-mail.
> Then should I use only  TC + iptables ?

If you want to shape traffic as it comes from the Internet, then you
will have to use IMQ or dummy, which gets beyond my area of expertise.

I used IMQ for a little while several months ago and it worked very
nicely for ingress shaping, but the machine kept hard-locking and I gave
up on it. I don't mean to spread FUD about IMQ -- it may be more stable
now -- but be wary.

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