|| On Wed, 17 Aug 2005 12:19:54 +0200
 || Andreas Klauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

 ak> www.lartc.org says:

 ak> "Linux Advanced Routing & Traffic Control HOWTO Current version
 ak> is 1.0.0 Files were last updated at 2004-03-31 00:11 CET (ie,
 ak> about 12108.1 hours ago)."

 ak> So yes, I'd guess it's not actively maintained.

Thanks for that quick reply.

I guess the obvious question then is: How do we get it maintained?

Does anyone know where the current maintainers have disappeared?

Is anyone willing to take over that job?


Georg C. F. Greve                                 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Free Software Foundation Europe                  (http://fsfeurope.org)
Join the Fellowship and protect your freedom!     (http://www.fsfe.org)

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