On Monday 05 December 2005 00:52, Brian J. Murrell wrote:
> Well, things seem to be going really well with tbf, prio and sfq.  But
> I'm a nosey bugger.  :-)  I'd love to be able to audit what's going
> through each of the prio bands.
> The super ideal solution would be to be able to attach tcpdump to each
> band and see what's going through it with the benefit of tcpdump's
> filtering so that I can examine and filter and so on just like on an
> interface.  This could be of great benefit to tuning classification
> rules.
> Short of that even some kind of logging to a socket or something that I
> can write a tool to examine, etc.
> Does anything of the sort exist?

I think something was just mentioned earlier in the day / night:

On Sunday 04 December 2005 19:23, Piotr Chytla wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 01, 2005 at 06:45:42PM +0100, Andreas Unterkircher wrote:
> > Good suggestion to use ulog for this. So I could dump the exactly
> > traffic which would run through a class (CLASSIFY)
> > to analyze and extract the necessary data to draw the graphs. So I do
> > not have to parse my class (IP or MAC) out of a
> > full tcpdump stream.
> >
> > Sadly not possible with tc-filter. But perhaps I could do this for tc
> > with Vincent Perrier's sch_spy module.
> sch_log is also good for this:
> http://kernel.umbrella.ro/net/sch_log/v0.4/sch_log-0.4.tar.gz
> /pch


Jason Boxman
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