
    I am looking for an answer. I am doind some thing like a loadshare
betwen two backbones.

    To one of them I send all p2p, msn and irc packages and to the other one
I send the rest I have.

    The problem I am facing is about prio at tables:

ip rule add fwmark 1 table 201 prio 202

    This is the rule I make. This is, I thinbk, working fine. The default
gateway is set into table 222 just like this:

ip route add default table 222 $GWE1 dev $IFE1

    My question is: wich one will get hit first? Like, when a package comes
and look for a gateway it will start looking in lower prio or higher prio
tables? If it looks in lower, then my rule is right. The other way I will
have to rewrite it.


Nataniel Klug

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