On Sat, 2006-03-11 at 10:56 -0500, jamal wrote:
> Right - take a look at the use of hashkey with varying divisors to see
> where the 2.4 folding breaks[1]. Note you should be able to use hashkey
> instead of sample and it would work fine.


> [1] Essentially, if you teach u32 in 2.4 to spread rules over different
> buckets it will not do so evenly. Off top of my head i remember that the
> best you could ever do is have bucket selection in increments of 4 (so
> bucket 0, 4, 8,..) with certain divisor sizes - mostly works with 256;
> to work properly you need it to be (0,1,2,3,..). 
> implies --> When it does work, it is detrimental to lookup speed when
> you hit thousands of rules because some buckets get overloaded and
> others are totaly unused and when it doesnt work, it results in
> classifier misses for rules you inserted. 

Hmm.  I can't see how this could be so.  Can you give 
specific examples.

The only time I can think of where the 2.4 XOR hash would
be worse is where there is a correlation between the bits
in different bytes.  I can't think of a real life example
of where that would be so.  In every other case it will
be as good as, but typically better than, the 2.6

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