> Hi All,
> This is out of the topic question, but I'm hoping that you can help me. If for
> example I'm going to install a Fedora 4 64-bit with 8 to 12 Gig of physical
> memory, how much swap file of directory do I need to create?
> Thank you very much,
> Wennie


You seem to think that the amount of physical RAM should have something
to do with the amount of swap space.  If so, that is wrong.

Even with huge, and 8 gigs of RAM is huge, amounts of RAM, you need a
dedicated swap partition.  Don't believe those who say you don't.

The size of the swap partition should be at least 512 megs.  The maximum
should normally be no more than 2 gigs.  I like to spread this out over
4 disks.  My setup creates a partition on each of the 4 hard drives in
my system and then /etc/fstab has an entry for each partition that says
/dev/hd#        swap    swap    defaults,pri=1  0       0
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