Hi All,

This is out of the topic question, but I'm hoping that you can help me. If for
example I'm going to install a Fedora 4 64-bit with 8 to 12 Gig of physical
memory, how much swap file of directory do I need to create?

Many people on this thread are giving information which they believe to be true, but in most cases it isn't (having the right mix of RAM/swap, and having data swapped to disk, can make your computer *more* responsive). If you want accurate information you should visit the kernel mailing list and/or read the kernel source / docs). There is a large amount of information available on how to tune your kernel swap variables.

The same advice goes for squid (and how squid can best use RAM (eg: you *won't* make squid perform better by assigning it large amounts of RAM directly). There is a large amount of posts on the squid-users mailing list regarding swap and memory use.

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