On Mon, 03 Apr 2006 09:25:04 +0200
Julien Bisconti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> gypsy wrote:
> > Julien Bisconti wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> I was searching for few days in this mailing list but I didn't find how to 
> >> solve my tc problem.
> >> Feel free to ask me more details if you think there are relevant.
> >>
> >> I'm using a Gentoo 2.4.32-gentoo-r2 and I'm trying to test a *weighted 
> >> fair queuing* (WFQ)
> >> implementation. See http://home.sch.bme.hu/~tusi/wfq/
> >>
> >> I patched the kernel and loaded the sch_wfq module, I patched iproute2/tc 
> >> and compile everything.
> > 
> > I think you will find that the patch to iproute2 is too old.  The
> > iproute used to create it has a date in year 2000 and iproute2 has
> > changed substantially since then.
> Thank you so MUCH!!!
> > 
> > I suggest you contact the author and request a new patch.
> I sent him email but no reply so far. I think I'm going to do it by myself.
> Thank you again.
> Julien

Also, since tc supports shared libraries for additional queue disciplines. You 
set it up to build a .so and put in /usr/lib/tc. Then you wouldn't need to 
all of iproute2.
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