On Mon, 10 Apr 2006 16:29:24 +0200
Erik Slagter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Mon, 2006-04-10 at 16:10 +0200, richard lucassen wrote:
> > > Cannot use IMQ because patching iproute2 is not feasible, cannot
> > > use IFB because it's at the wrong location in the chain.
> > 
> > You don't need to patch iproute2 for IMQ, just iptables and the
> > kernel. IMQ lives well together with all other stuff AFAIK.
> Hmmm, if you mean the iptables program, then same story :-(

You just create two extra .so files, that's all. The patch works well
with iptables-1.3.5.

It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak
aloud and remove all doubt.

| Richard Lucassen, Utrecht                                        |
| Public key and email address:                                    |
| http://www.lucassen.org/mail-pubkey.html                         |
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