On Thu, 2006-06-22 at 11:28 -0300, Luciano wrote:
> Hi all,
> Is it possible to use TC (HTB) in vlan interfaces ?
> Where can I find more documentation ?

Yes, that is possible. VLAN interfaces are really
different from the physical interface they reside
on, kernel-wise.

For example, if you put a 1 MBit HTB on eth0,
but no qdisc on VLAN device eth0.1, traffic through
eth0.1 won't be throttled at all. I suspect the same
goes for iptables rules (but didn't try that yet).

For documentation, see the LARTC howto and the docs
on the HTB home page. There are also some ready-made
shaping scripts which can help you understanding how
all this works.


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