On Sun, 17 Dec 2006 20:51:44 -0600
Grant Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I ran across an interesting article 
> (http://www.heise-security.co.uk/articles/print/82481) (1) that I think 
> any and all firewall administrators should take a few moments to read.
> I personally have known that using "-m state --state 
> ESTABLISHED,RELATED" was not the most secure thing to use for returning 
> traffic.  Namely this will allow you to make a valid connection to a web 
> server, say to retrieve a picture.  Then said web server could send 
> malicious traffic back to your computer and pass through your firewall. 
>   This is because the traffic coming from the web server to your 
> computer is now deemed as RELATED.  Previously I have written this off 
> as not needing to worry about this (much) YET.  Yet being the operative 
> word.  I have long known that I would, especially on more secure 
> installs (read not SOHO) need to filter inbound traffic based on source 
> / destination port.  I just have not thought that it was important 
> enough to do presently for my clientele.  Unfortunately, the day where 
> we do as much filtering on related traffic as we do on non related 
> traffic may be closer at hand than we all would like to admit.  :(
> Grant. . . .
> (1) Is a /. article "How Skype Punches Holes in Firewalls" 
> (http://it.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=06/12/15/191205)
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This isn't new, it STUNT (Simple Traversal of UDP through NAT
and TCP).  See:

It has been studied by Internet researchers for a while. But for most
users, NAT is an impediment to connectivity, and STUNT is a good thing.

You should be able to block it with netfilter connection tracking.

Stephen Hemminger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
LARTC mailing list

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