>  I am interested in the incoming traffic (from Internet to lan users).
> This is the problem.
Then there is no possibility to change the shaping to the bottleneck, as
long as it is in the ISP routers. So you have to artificially create it in
order to have a queue you can shape. There's only two ways you can achive
this, either you can:

a) Reduce the speed, the one you already know but are not happy with.

b) Increase the delay, you could achive the queue just introducing a fixed
delay to every packet that goes to the LAN. There is a qdisc called 'netem'
that can do this, in principle it is only intended for emulating and
testing, but it also can be used for this purpose (online gamers will not be
very happy with this solution). I don't know if there is any other queuing
discipline that can achive this or if it is not good to do this for some
technical reason.

Maybe it could be possible not to penalize neither speed or delay using some
kind of advanced solution that monitors how much bandwith is consuming each
host and penalize only the hosts that are taking some % more than the
average, or % more than totalacutalspeed/N. But it will be very compilcated
as long as when a host is below the average you don't know whether it is for
congestion or just becouse it is not making intensive use of the net.

Good luck, and remember that for incomming traffic you can only shape TCP
connections, it has no sense dropping UDP packets as long as they have no
speed regulating mechanism, and once you have recive them the bandwith has
already been wasted.
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