From: "Santiago" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> The prio qdisc is the solution. Try this.

I wonder if that's speaking from experience or speaking from
theoretical standpoint ? I have always been told, to control
the traffic, I have to be the slowest link in the chain.

And my question is how slow I should be ! If you are
not the slowest, you can't control. If you are damn slow,
you are under-utilizing your bandwidth.

Read this section of LARTC :-

You also have to be sure you are controlling the bottleneck of the link. If
you have a 100Mbit NIC and you have a router that has a 256kbit link, you
have to make sure you are not sending more data than your router can handle.
Otherwise, it will be the router who is controlling the link and shaping the
available bandwith. We need to 'own the queue' so to speak, and be the
slowest link in the chain. Luckily this is easily possible.

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