
I'm having some dificulties troubleshooting a rather strange setup.

We have a Linux box, that is supposed to act as a shaper. For this, there are several 802.1q vlans transported to one of the interfaces.

So the setup is something like this:

                   -   Cisco Router  -
              /-------/         \-----------\
upstream      |                             | client vlans
connection    |                             |
              \--- Gi1 - Linux Box - Gi2 ---/

Gi1 is an upstream connection, Gi2 holds several 802.1q vlans.
This already works with one vlan transported to it. However, when i try to add another vlan and i try to send icmp packets from one side to the other, arp relationships are established, however only _some_ of the packets sent get a reply from the other side. Of course, testing was done with all qdiscs removed.

STP is disabled on the bridge, so is rp_filter.

Does anybody have any idea what's going on? Just keep in mind that there already is a connection that works without problems on the same machine.
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