Thanks for the input Grant,  we have kicked around the idea of BGP or a similar 
method for the routing but the issue is that NAT takes place at the box doing 
the multiwan.  We only have a few external IP addresses and all of our 
connections are from different vendors so they are spread across several 
different IP ranges.  My first though was to create a tunnels between the 
machines at each location and put the tunnel adapters in a routing table with a 
prio > the local routing table.  This would allow data to:

client --> main gateway --> routing table mpath to any gateway on the network 
--> internet as available

I have a feeling this would cause some very very bad problems with return paths 
and I don't know what would happen if a tunnel were to fail or something of 
that nature.  The system is basically many many wireless repeaters, access 
points, and clients spread across about 60 square miles.  It crosses 3 LATAs 
and is within range of at least 10 different ISP's who all use different 
providers.  The idea was if we could instead of bringing the traffic all back 
to where it goes now be able to go wherever was closest/least busy/etc and hop 
on a DSL/Cable/Wireless/whatever we can pick up for cheap bandwidth it would 
take some of the traffic from individuals doing whatever they do off the DS3 
durring the day for businesses and schools to make use of.

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