
I would like to be able to use my VOIP telephone over a saturated
ADSL link whilst enjoying optimum audio quality and utilising all of the
bandwidth I pay for.  It is about this situation that I write.

HFSC appears to be the queueing discipline of choice for VOIP.  In order
for this to work, though, do I have to account for the ATM overhead in
the small VOIP packets by defining my maximum root class bit rate as
(measured max bit rate)*%50 (or some other awful percentage)?

If the answer is yes to the above, does that mean that the next best
solution would be HTB coupled with the newly updated
http://www.adsl-optimizer.dk/?  Would Shorewall with patched kernel and
patched iproute2 be the most Luddite way of using adsl-optimizer?

Ah, so many questions, sorry.  Have a nice day.


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