Title: How epigenetics affects twins

How epigenetics affects twins
In genetically identical siblings, DNA methylation and histone acetylation correlate with age and lifestyle

By Charles Q. Choi

The Scientist 7 07 05


The largest twin study on epigenetic profiles yet reveals the extent to which lifestyle and age can impact gene _expression_, an international research team reports in this week's PNAS. Senior author Manel Esteller of the Spanish National Cancer Center in Madrid and colleagues found that 35% of twin pairs had significant differences in DNA methylation and histone modification profiles.

"These findings help show how environmental factors can change one's gene _expression_ and susceptibility to disease, by affecting epigenetics,"
Esteller told The Scientist.

Esteller and colleagues in Sweden, Denmark, Spain, England, and the United States studied 80 sets of identical twins, ranging in age from 3 to 74 years. Their aim was to explore what role epigenetics plays in generating phenotypic differences between genetically identical twins.

The researchers analyzed the twins' global DNA methylation and histone H3 and H4 acetylation in samples from lymphocytes, buccal mucosal epithelial cells, skeletal muscle biopsies, and subcutaneous fat. They quizzed participants on their health, nutritional habits, physical activities, drug treatments, and consumption of tobacco, alcohol, and drugs. They also checked their height and weight.

Statistical analysis suggested that older twin pairs were more epigenetically different than younger twins. It also revealed that twins who reported having spent less time together during their lives, or who had different medical histories, had the greatest epigenetic differences. Gene _expression_ microarray analysis revealed that in the two twin pairs most epigenetically distinct from each other–the 3- and 50-year-olds–there were four times as many differentially expressed genes in the older pair than in the younger pair, confirming that the epigenetic differences the researchers saw in twins could lead to increased phenotypic differences.

Arturas Petronis of the University of Toronto, who did not participate in this study, called the research "excellent" in "quantifying how genetically identical individuals could differ in gene _expression_ on a global level due to epigenetics. It is good to have data that confirms what we long suspected."

Future twin studies can focus on disease-specific epigenetic effects, Petronis said.
"There are thousands of cases when there are no good explanations for different susceptibilities to complex diseases in individuals with the same genetic background and, in most cases, similar environments. If we shift our emphasis to epigenetic factors, we can now come up with some interesting putative mechanisms that would explain such phenotypic differences," Petronis told The Scientist.
"Maybe some loci are very dynamic epigenetically, while others are stable."

Randy Jirtle of Duke University Medical Center, who did not participate in this study, suggested investigating how aging- or lifestyle-related epigenetic changes affect imprinted genes, which are normally expressed in a parent-of-origin dependent manner.
"For instance, IGF2 is usually only expressed from the father's copy. People with biallelic _expression_ of IGF2 are more susceptible to
colon cancer, and likely breast cancer and prostate cancer," he told The Scientist. "So epigenetic changes due to old age or other factors could lead to overexpression or underexpression of imprinted genes."

George Martin of the University of Washington in Seattle, who was not involved in this research, cautioned that future studies needed to look at purified cell types using techniques such as flow cytometric separation. "As you grow older, you have shifts in your proportions of cell types—for instance, more memory T cells and less naive T cells. And you can expect each type to have different gene _expression_ profiles. So when you work with a mixed tissue sample, you can't be sure whether a shift in enzyme activity is due to a shift in gene _expression_ or simply a shift in the proportions of different cell types in the sample," he told The Scientist.

Links for this article

L.A. Pray, "Epigenetics: genome, meet your environment," The Scientist, July 5, 2004. http://www.the-scientist.com/2004/7/5/14/1  

M.F. Fraga et al., "Epigenetic differences arise during the lifetime of monozygotic twins," PNAS, published online July 4, 2005. http://www.pnas.org  

Manel Esteller http://groups.cnio.es/epigenetica/indexeng.htm  

Arturas Petronis http://www.utpsychiatry.ca/dirsearch.asp?id=725  

Randy Jirtle http://www.geneimprint.com/lab/  

M. Greener, "Cancer epigenetics enters the mainstream," The Scientist, June 20, 2005. http://www.the-scientist.com/2005/6/20/18/1  

George Martin http://depts.washington.edu/adrcweb/martin.html  

M.L. Phillips, "Epigenetics lives on in clones," The Scientist,
February 2, 2005. http://www.the-scientist.com/news/20050202/01  
Genes active at time of Xenopus nuclei transfer are also overexpressed in cloned embryos

By Melissa Phillips

A cloned Xenopus embryo overexpressed genes that were being actively transcribed in its parent cell at the time the nucleus was transferred, according to a study published in this week's PNAS. This suggests that the embryo "remembers" what type of cell its nucleus came from, according to study co-author John Gurdon. He and Ray K. Ng of the University of Cambridge report that genes specific to the cell type of a transferred nucleus are turned on in the wrong tissues of some cloned embryos at early stages of development.

"The idea that active gene transcription can be stable through pretty dramatic cell changes is not new," Paul Wade of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences told The Scientist. "What's new is that it survives nuclear transfer."
When a somatic nucleus is transferred to an oocyte, factors in the cytoplasm induce an erasure of the differentiated cell program in favor of an embryonic transcriptional program. But the process is not perfect;
previous studies have shown that some genes that are silenced in differentiated cells fail to turn on during reprogramming. Ng and Gurdon wanted to see if some genes may likewise fail to turn off.

The authors transplanted nuclei from the Xenopus embryo neuroectoderm and endoderm into oocytes that had been enucleated by UV radiation. They dissected the developing embryos into two sections: the animal region, which develops into neuroectoderm, and the vegetal region, which will become endoderm.

In a normally developing embryo, the pan-neural marker Sox2 is highly expressed in the animal region, but found only at background levels in the vegetal region. In embryos cloned from neuroectoderm nuclei, the authors found that 17 of 21 samples overexpressed Sox2 significantly in the vegetal region; only four of 18 samples showed abnormally high Sox2 _expression_ in the animal region.

They found the converse effect in embryos derived from endoderm. Edd, an endoderm marker gene, is usually expressed highly in vegetal regions but not in animal. In the nuclear transplants, nine of 20 embryos expressed edd more than twice background levels in the animal region, while vegetal _expression_ was almost entirely normal.

"The continued _expression_ of somatic cell genes" is not surprising, according to Keith Latham of Temple University. Nonviable clones presumably fail both to turn off the adult program completely and to turn on the embryonic program completely, Latham said.

Ng and Gurdon also found that edd transcription begins early in most animal regions (eight of 10) and some vegetal regions (five of 10) of endoderm-derived embryos. They detected edd transcripts two cell cycles before transcription normally begins in Xenopus, Gurdon said.

Since transcription normally begins in Xenopus after 12 mitoses, the overexpression of cell type–specific genes means that the nucleus is "maintaining an active state at a locus in the face of inactive transcription for 8 to 10 cell cycles, and that is pretty remarkable," said Wade, who was not involved in the study.

Although they can't be sure of the molecular mechanism of their findings, Ng and Gurdon speculate that active transcription information could be inherited through histone modifications.
"There's no known mechanism for replication of a modified histone," Gurdon said, "but it seems to be the only plausible explanation."

One of the most striking findings in the paper is the variability of reprogramming efficiency, according to Wade. While many embryos overexpressed genes specific to the transferred nucleus, some embryos seemed to reprogram perfectly.

"This may be an important component of the variability that one sees in the outcome of nuclear transfer experiments themselves," Wade told The Scientist. "I think it's potentially quite important in the variability of the cloning process."

"The fact that [reprogramming] is not perfect isn't too surprising," Gurdon said. "In a way, it's amazing that it works at all."

inks for this article

R. Ng, J.B. Gurdon, "Epigenetic memory of active gene transcription is inherited through somatic cell nuclear transfer," PNAS, January 31, 2005. http://www.pnas.org  

The Gurdon Group http://www.gurdon.cam.ac.uk/groups/gurdon.html  

A. Bortvin et al., "Incomplete reactivation of Oct4-related genes in mouse embryos cloned from somatic nuclei," Development, 130:1673-80, April 2003. [PubMed Abstract

Keith E. Latham http://www.temple.edu/biochemistry_medical/Dr.KLatham.html



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