May 24, 25 - 2006

H5N1 Sequence Analysis of North Sumatra Cluster
Recombinomics Commentary
The CDC head said the genetic sequencing of viruses from the cluster so far has yielded four main findings:
The isolates are all "virtually identical," implying a single source. They are susceptible to the antiviral drug Tamiflu (oseltamivir).
"There is no evidence of motif changes in the particular areas of the genes that are responsible for how the virus binds to the respiratory tract of people."
The isolates are very similar to viruses previously collected from poultry in the region.

The above comments from the CDC are similar to comments from Hong Kong.  Both groups receive human samples from Indonesia as indicated in the WHO update.  However, as with the earlier WHO updates, more information is available from what is not said in the reports.  Since only part of human sequence has been made public (HA and NA from the first confirmed case in July of 2005), more sequence interpretations come from short and well parsed comments, such as those above.
The first two confirmed cases in
Indonesia were associated with short descriptions which contained subtle differences.  The released sequence from the first case in 2005 has a novel cleavage site (RESRRKKR), which is why it was not called “virtually identical” but was said to have ”high homology” with poultry sequences, which have the more common cleavage site (RERRRKKR).  The second sequence in 2005 was called “essentially the same” as poultry (as opposed to essentially the same as the first human sequence), indicating it had the RERRRKKR cleavage site. 
Thus, there were two sequences in human cases in the
Jakarta area. 
A subsequent
report indicated all human sequences from the area had RESRRKKR which did not match any known poultry source, which created a problem since all WHO updates indicated the human cases were linked to H5N1 in poultry.  The only animal in the Jakarta area with a sequence with RESRRKKR was not a bird, but a cat, raising serious questions about origins and transmission, since many of the patients in the area were from familial clusters with 5-10 day gaps, indicating human-to-human transmission (H2H).  These clusters included both of the above sequences, indicating both cleavage sites were linked to H2H, but only one was linked to poultry.
The comments above indicating that the sequences from the Sumatra cluster were “virtually identical” to each other and “very similar” to poultry isolated previously from the area indicates a poultry source infected the index case, but the subsequent infections were from the index case or other family members and the normal incubation time of 2-5 days suggests that there were multiple transmissions within the family that were not linked to the index case.
The cleavage site would be the common poultry sequence of RERRRKKR, but the failure to mention amantadine sensitivity suggests the cluster sequences were amantadine resistant, as has been seen previously in poultry isolates from Indonesia.Thus, the only antiviral mentioned was Tamiflu susceptibility, and the United States is shipping Tamiflu to “Asia”.  However. local media reports indicate that the patients in the cluster were treated with 3 X 75 mg Tamiflu, and all but one died, even though the later cases seem to have been hospitalized shortly after developing symptoms.  The exact times are not clear because the onset dates for all relatives other than the last fatality, who refused Tamiflu treatment, were not included in the WHO update. The “resistance” to the Tamiflu treatment may have been due to another change, which is not related to the receptor binding domain, which the above comments indicate the human isolates match an avian motif.  That change, which has been seen in H5N1 human cases in Asia as well as dog and wild and domestic cat sequences in Thailand, is PB2 E627K, which may be why the cluster sequences are “virtually identical” to each other, but “very similar” to the poultry sequences, which have not been reported to have PB2 E627KThe only bird H5N1 sequences with E627K are the Qinghai strain, which is quite distinct from Indonesian bird or human HA and NA sequences (no other human genes have been released from Indonesia)..The accuracy of the above analysis can be easily determined by simply releasing the full Indonesian sequences, which have been sequestered at the private WHO database at Los Alamos since August of 2005


Flawed Surveillance of H5N1 Human Transmission Chains
Recombinomics Commentary
WHO assumes that the incubation time for bird flu in humans is 7 to 10 days, longer than that of regular flu, she said.
Henry Niman, who runs, a Web site tracking the genetics of flu cases, argues that the incubation period is closer to the two to four days of regular flu, so the boy may have been infected by another family member, meaning that the virus may have made three consecutive human-to- human jumps. 
But Cheng said the health agency's "working hypothesis" was still that it had jumped only twice.

The WHO working hypothesis on a limited transmission chain is similar to its investigations of earlier clusters, which focused on common sources other than humans, leading to a gross underestimate of the number of cases of human-to-human transmission (H2H) and length of transmission chains. The clusters in Turkey and Azerbaijan also involved long transmission chains, but the WHO used tortured arguments to eliminate H2H, which created faulty data, which then created additional faulty data such as the 7 to 10 day incubation time.
The two clusters that WHO linked to duck blood pudding are good examples. 

None of the H5N1 positive patients had the meal within the common 2-4 day incubation period.  In the cluster in Hanoi in 2004/2005, the time between the meal and symptoms was 1 and 17 days. A WHO committee review of H5N1 in the New England Journal of Medicine stated "The case-to-case intervals in household clusters have generally been 2 to 5 days, but the upper limit has been 8 to 17 days, possibly owing to unrecognized exposure to infected animals or environmental sources".  However, this upper limit of 17 days is due to WHO's efforts to link the brother to the meal, instead of the index case.  The brother developed symptoms when the index case died, which is a common feature of the familial clusters that involve H2H. Moreover, the use of 7-10 days as indicated above, reduces the number of links in the transmission chain.
The shorter incubation time of 2-5 days also explains the 5-10 day gap between the onset date for the index case and other family membersH5N1 is still not efficiently transmitted H2H, so transmission peaks several days after disease onset, which when coupled to the incubation time, creates the 5-10 day gap between the index case and other family members, which was common in the first 15 clusters which were documented in an H5N1 familial cluster paper by WHO and the CDC.
These shorter incubation periods not only support H2H in the smaller cluster of 2 or 3, but also indicate that the clusters that have long intervals between the first and last member involve a number of transmission.  These long intervals were clearly present in the larger clusters in Turkey and Azerbaijan.
à However, the current cluster in north Sumatra is the deadliestOnly one of the eight members has survived, raising concerns in the changes in the eight H5N1 gene segments.  Those sequences have been sequestered at a private WHO database.  Two sequences from the first confirmed case in Indonesia were released, but the sequences of the other six gene segments, as well as full sequences from the other H5N1 cases in Indonesia should be release immediatelyAt least two distinct H5N1 sequences are co-circulating in Indonesia, creating conditions fro dual infections and recombination.  Therefore the sequences should be available to the scientific community for detailed analysis


H5N1 Bar Headed Geese Migrate Through Tibet China
Recombinomics Commentary
A total of 399 bar-headed geese and ruddy shelducks had died from the virus in outbreaks in Tibet's Naqu district and the Guoluo Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in neighboring Qinghai province, the agriculture ministry said.The ministry reported on its website that the outbreaks, which it said had happened 'recently,' were confirmed as the deadly H5N1 virus earlier today. Although the two outbreaks had occurred in separate locations, they were linked by migration route. The route also linked the outbreaks to two other recent incidents in the area, the ministry said. According to earlier reports, 123 birds had died in the previous outbreaks.
The above description increases the number of locations central
China with H5N1.  Bar-headed geese winter in India and then migrate to Qinghai Lake for the spring.  A year ago China filed a report on 519 dead waterfowl at Qinghai Lake.  The majority of the dead birds were bar-headed geese and the migration pattern is repeating this year, although the reports of H5N1 infections have increased.
These data suggest that H5N1 will retrace its path from last year, but this year the reports are earlier and more widespread.  Russia has also reported outbreaks in the southern Siberia region infected by H5N1 in mid-July last year.
The early citing suggests outbreaks will be more severe next year.  In addition to birds migrating out of
India, the widespread H5N1 in Africa, the Middle East, and Europe will bring H5N1 to southern Siberia from these new locations, allowing for more dual infections and more recombination.



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