
I am having problems with the cropping bars.

My OS is Mac OS X 10.2.4, with netpbm installed via fink in the /sw tree.

My netpbm package is netpbm-9.25-3, and pnmcrop --version is

pnmcrop: Using libnetpbm from Netpbm Version: Netpbm 10.12

My l2hconfig.pm file says

$DVIPSOPT = ' -E';

I have altered 2 lines in pstoimg (circa line 270)

my $PNMCROP = '/sw/bin/pnmcrop -verbose';
# my $PNMCROP = '/sw/bin/pnmcrop'; ################# ORIGINAL
my $PNMCROPOPT = '-sides';
# my $PNMCROPOPT = ''; ########################## ORIGINAL

None of this had any effect on the black cropping bars.

In Febuary 2003 someone suggested

>Sometimes you just have to "do it by hand" in the LaTeX source.
>This can mean adding a small bit of extra space within the image.
>At the right, this is easy: just put \, after the mathematics
>but within the $.....\,$
>                     ^^-----  like this.
>For extra vertical size, \strut may help;
>e.g.  $ .... \strut$
>else an invisible \vrule of specified size:
>  \vrule height 15pt depth 0pt width 0pt

I am not willing to munge every single equation in my documents just to get this issue solved.

Is there a straightforward, definite fix for this issue that does not require hacking one's netpbm?

I will appreciate any help and suggestions.


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