shige 12/15 2004

I found two problems for accent images.

(1) \t{oo}

The accent command \t which make "thai" needs 2 alphabets 
arguments. However, latex2html translates \t{oo} to 
"\texrm{\t{o\/}}" in images.tex as if \t was the command for 1 
alphabet argument. The following patch may fix it.

----- From here -----
***  Thu Jan  8 15:15:01 2004
---      Wed Dec 15 20:01:37 2004
*** 7297,7302 ****
--- 7297,7304 ----
      s/\\protect//g;           # remove redundant \protect macros
      #$_ = pack("u*", $_);     # uuencode
      s/\\\$/dollar/g;          # replace funnies, may cause problems in a hash 
+     s/\\([ij])([^a-zA-Z_])/$1nodot$2/g;
+                               # added by shige 12/14 2004 for \i,\j
      s/\//slash/g;             # replace funnies, may cause problems in a hash 
      s/\$|\/|\\//g;            # remove funnies, may cause problems in a hash 
      s/\s*|\n//g;              # Remove spaces  and newlines
*** 14894,14900 ****
        # Accent of this form: "\^{\i}rest" or not an accent on i nor j
        ($arg) =  &get_next_pair_or_char_pr;
!     $arg =~ s/([^\s\\<])/$first_char = $1; ''/eo;
  #   print STDOUT "\nACCENT1 type:$type arg:|${arg}| first_char: |$first_char| 
  #     , $ACCENT_IMAGES\n";
--- 14896,14905 ----
        # Accent of this form: "\^{\i}rest" or not an accent on i nor j
        ($arg) =  &get_next_pair_or_char_pr;
!     #$arg =~ s/([^\s\\<])/$first_char = $1; ''/eo;
!     # modified by shige 12/13 2004 for \t{oo}
!     if ($type eq "t" ) { $first_char = $arg; $arg = ""; }
!     else { $arg =~ s/([^\s\\<])/$first_char = $1; ''/eo; }
  #   print STDOUT "\nACCENT1 type:$type arg:|${arg}| first_char: |$first_char| 
  #     , $ACCENT_IMAGES\n";
----- To here -----

(2) \t{\i a}

Above patch is not good for \i or \j in \t{} (some one taught me 
such case may happen, ex. "\t{\i a}" in Russian). In the case \i
or \j is the argument of \(some accent command){}, for example 
\H{\i}, latex2html translates it to "\texrm{\H{i\/}}" in 
images.tex (not "\textrm{\H{\i\/}").

For \H{\i}, we can avoid this problem by using \H\i{}, but for 
\t{\i a}, I don't know how to avoid the problem.

I hope there exist the solution that we can use \H{\i} even in 
latex2html (of course, we can use it in latex).

 Shigeharu TAKENO     NIigata Institute of Technology
                       kashiwazaki,Niigata 945-1195 JAPAN
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   TEL(&FAX): +81-257-22-8161

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