Ross Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> $B$5$s$O=q$-$^$7$?(B:
(B> Hi Mike,
(B> On 06/03/2005, at 11:40 AM, Mike FABIAN wrote:
(B>> Ross Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> $B$5$s$O=q$-$^$7$?(B:
(B>>> Hyperref is being loaded above with the  'hdvips'  driver.
(B>>> This is wrong. It should now be the  hpdftex  driver.
(B>>> Your  hyperref.cfg  file should detect this.
(B>>>> /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/hyperref/hyperref.cfg
(B>> After changing the file to look like this:
(B>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/tmp$ cat
(B>> /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/hyperref/hyperref.cfg
(B>> \ProvidesFile{hyperref.cfg}%
(B>>   [2002/06/06 v1.2 hyperref configuration of TeXLive and teTeX]
(B>      ^^^^^ ---------
(B> This is very, very old now. It should be much more complicated than
(B> what your file contains, including tests for different typesetting
(B> engines and versions.
(B> I don't know why it wasn't updated automatically with your
(B> latest install.
(B> Search for the latest  hyperref.cfg  that you can find on your
(B> system, and/or the installation disks or archive.
(BWerner Fink <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added to CC:.
(BWerner, do you have any idea why these files are so old in our
(Btetex-3.0 packages?
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