

>Well, I can't have any sympathy with a browser like that.
>CSS technology has been the recommended way to handle styling
>for years now, and HTML ALIGN has been around even longer.
>Such a browser must have trouble displaying all sorts of web
>content. What was it designed for ?

   They are designed to be fast and efficient. I suppose that it's ok
if they drop all the styling attributes and CSS rules... They give
access only to the content of the pages, and are very good tools to
check the accessibility of web pages. For example, Dillo has a "bug
meter" which detects HTML errors. So they can be useful.

>>    So this would require a different value for each image; this is 
>> useless.
>  ... well, not really.
>Here are some examples where this is done:
>   http://www-texdev.ics.mq.edu.au/LWC/MATHexamples/sampleMath-40styled/
>   http://www.maths.mq.edu.au/texdev/MATHS/MATH123/W6-2K5/Questions/
>For these, have a look at the .css file that is used.
>That has a rule for the images with ALIGN="MIDDLE" that
>lowers the image by half it's overall height.

   The first one hasn't got any CSS rule for that, and the second, a
different rule for each image (tagged with ID), which requires
updating the CSS on each run and would be slow and hard to do.
   But I think there's no general rule to say "lower each image by
half its overall height"...

>I'm not convinced that it does the right thing in tables;
>e.g. for aligned equations.
>Perhaps you could experiment a bit with that.

   For objects inside tables, I haven't seen any extra problems. For
aligned equations, for example, there are only equations inside the
table (no HTML text), so they stay aligned in the middle.
   And vertical-align has a different meaning when it is applied to
table cells: "middle" aligns the center of the cell with the center of
the row, and percentages or relative positions are not considered in
the standard.

>Surely Amaya handles CSS correctly, so no problem here.

  Hah! Amaya is probably the browser with most CSS bugs... :-) It's
experimental, but it still lacks important CSS properties (position,
alignment ones, etc).  Also I hope that they make it more stable in
next versions.

  I will post any new information; if
https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=192077 is solved then we
will have fewer problems.



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