On Tue, 12 Jul 2005, Matthew Low wrote:


How do get LaTeX2HTML to recognize my sty file?

Either in .latex2html-init (the local config file you place where the LaTeX source files are) or in l2hconf.pm (the global config file placed where the LaTeX2HTML scripits are), find the line:

# $DO_INCLUDE = "";

Take out the rem (#) and include the filename of your .sty inside the "". Ergo
$DO_INCLUDE = "mystyle";

You will find these remarks just above that:

# Latex2html usually does not include style files provided by
# \documentstyle, \documentclass, \usepackage but tries to use the
# corresponding *.perl files provided in the styles/ subdirectory.
# Now if you use home-brew style files with new environments/commands
# you may want to include them. E.g. if you want to include "mystyle.sty",
# say $DO_INCLUDE = "mystyle" here. Separate styles with colons. This
# setting overrides the settings in $DONT_INCLUDE. You may specify
# filename extensions here as well.

...and don't forget to place the file where it can be "found," say, in the same directory as your LaTeX source files.


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