Paul L Daniels wrote:
Hello all, first time here.
I'm currently using LyX to write a medium size build manual for model aircraft, 
this includes numerous JPEG images
which are currently included using \includegraphics{}.

Everything works 'delightfully' when I go from LyX->PDF, so this email isn't 
about that.

Where my problems come is when I go LyX -> LaTeX and then pipe that through to 
L2H.   The images are progressive PNG's
with a limited colour selection, clearly PNG isn't suited for my situation 
where I'm using JPEG images.

PNG's don't have a particularly limited color selection, as far as i know;
they're capable of producing just as good (or better) images as jpeg,
but probably not quite as compressed (jpeg uses lossy compression).
Anyway, jpeg is also a reasonable image format for web (as well as pdf), why 
not use it?

You say you are using JPEG images, but the html below suggests you're using eps
(presumably wrapped/converted from the source jpeg ?).  This is most likely the
source of the problem: latex2html doesn't know there's a jpeg embedded, so it 
to "print" the picture, and extract a bitmapped copy of it (like it does for 
but in this case, the resolution will mismatch and give bad results.

I don't use LyX, so I don't know if it gets in the way of the following 
If you have an original image in jpeg format, say picture1.jpeg.  Then, use
whatever program you like (gimp, ImageMagick,...) to produce a postscript 
and call it picture1.eps.  Now in the latex source use
_without_ the extension.  The includegraphics package is clever and will find 
most appropriate format for the current processsing: LaTeX will use the eps,
pdflatex and latex2html would use the jpeg.  Then you should get pretty good
results in all cases.

What I thought I might be able to do is to get l2h to reference the image files 
as a link, since I can upload all the
required images with the html files ... I tried the following

latex2html -html_version 4.0 -split 2 -local_icons -show_section_numbers  
-external_images -ps_images qf2bm-001.tex

This generates output like ...


Where's I'd rather something like

from which I could just clean up with sed or other such.

Other than the images, L2H is fantastic, great work.


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