Hi all -

I'm attempting to compile a math (actually, numerical methods) book I am currently
writing using latex2html.  A recent draft is available here:
http://flowcontrol.ucsd.edu/book/main_web/ main_web_tf.html
The latex code makes extensive use of amsmath features.
By reading the various discussion threads, I've sorted out many of the common snags on my own. However, a couple of pesky problems remain. One of the most difficult is getting the subequations environement working correctly - the best I am able to do so far is illustrated, e.g., in the bottom half of section 1.9 of the above link. Note that the entire subequations section is made into a single image, which is not what I would like, and in addition the numbering is off - all I want to do is to change the equation numbers to, e.g., 1.6a, 1.6b, and 1.6c in this segment of the text. Similar needs come up repeatedly throughout the document.

In fact, the standard subequations environment appears totally muffed up under latex2html [at least in my implementation, which is Version 2002-2-1 (1.70) obtained via fink and running on a mac], so I have implemented a more streamlined subequations environment which I downloaded from the web, and which I renamed to subeqnA.sty (and the
environment so defined to subeqnA) just to be darn sure I know which
subequations macro I am calling.  This .sty file is quite simple:


[EMAIL PROTECTED]@equation}%
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   %only want \theequation
[EMAIL PROTECTED]@stequation}% %expanded once

[EMAIL PROTECTED]@savedtheequation}%
[EMAIL PROTECTED]@ignoretrue}

I don't understand how to get subequations working correctly in latex2html, or why a single image is formed by latex2html when this simpler subeqnA environment is invoked. Any
help that you can provide would be GREATLY appreciated.

Hoping you can help   ;)

- Tom

ps - Latex2html is a true gem, thanks immensely to all of you (especially Ross) for your continued work in support of it. Let me echo the sentiments of Julius Smith expressed several years ago
on this forum:
     "Latex2html is so improbable, that if it did not exist, the
     possibility would not be worth discussing."

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