Thanks for the explanation.

I thought the [pdftex] option was just for information -- that graphicx  
would perhaps optimize some of its processing.  It didn't occur to me that  
it would determine the filetype *latex* would generate.

We live and learn. :-)

On Wed, 07 Jun 2006 09:05:10 +0100, Robin Fairbairns  

>> Maybe the graphicx package is one of those that don't detect pdflatex
>> correctly?
> hahaha.
>> I was premature in announcing my solution to the 'no dvi' problem.
>> The command line switch has no effect if the preamble includes
>> /usepackage[pdftex]{graphics}
> so (modulo the direction of the "\") you were *telling* the graphics
> package to switch to pdf mode.
>> but works fine if the pdftex option is removed.
> what a surprise.
>> My solution uses
>> oberdiek's ifpdf package:
>> \ifpdf
>> \usepackage[pdftex]{graphicx}
>> \else
>> \usepackage{graphicx}
>> \fi
> the default graphics.cfg detects the latter case and selects pdftex or
> dvips options according to whether the package is running under pdftex
> ... using tests written by heiko o.
> so
>   \usepackage{graphicx}
> has the same effect as the your technique above.
> in ordinary use, on a free distribution of latex, you only need a
> graphics package switch if you're using something eccentric like
> dvipdfm

Christopher Willmot
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