I upgraded my VISA to 2.6, which seems to work fine with Labview 5.1
(I couldn't find version 2.5 for Windows).

I still have the same problem.  If I use serial VISA, I can get
well-timed pulses at up to 62kHz out of the parallel port, connecting
it as given in the <a
the Parallel Port in LabVIEW</a> tutorial and using their vi.  NI-Spy
shows that the commands are sent as they are generated, but the pulses
do not actually go out the port until after the VISA session closes.
I have tried flushing the buffer after every write.  As a result, I
can get the requested pulses, but with no feedback as to when they are

If I open VISA, write a number of steps to VISA, then close again, I
get a 50ms gap between segments that I write.  I want the output to
appear seamless.

In the past I have used the outport.vi, but to get evenly-spaced
steps, I have to use the wait-ms.vi  This limits my pulse frequency to
500 Hz.  To go faster, I have used a for loop with several hundred
iterations -- this leaves an erratic pulse train and is difficult to
control and ties up the processor. 500 steps/second is also too slow
when you consider that a typical scan requires 120,000 steps, each

So if anyone knows how I can get a regular pulse train out of the
parallel port (or is their another port that would work -- not the
serial though) and know when it completes so I can continue my
program, I would appreciate some help.


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