When I don't have a whole lot of planning ahead of time, or when I know
that requirements may be changing late in the game, I follow this rule of
      All clusters and all enums and all rings are made into typedefs.
      Treat the middle terminal of the "bundle" node as a required

This way, I never have to go back later and convert to typedefs. It takes
only a moment to right click on a control, choose "Customize...", set the
ring to "Type Def." and save the .ctl file. Saves lots of effort later. I
tend to follow this rule of thumb even when I generally know what I'm
building and have lots of advance planning since it's frequently convenient
to go ahead and put that .ctl into my palettes for use later. And even when
I've had lots of advance planning, I might need to change that plan.

Stephen R. Mercer
-= LabVIEW R&D =-

Uwe Frenz wrote:
> i  do not agree with your last statement. From some quite large prpject I
> have learned that it is much harder to spent too many time on project
> planning than planning insufficiently.
> What I do nowadays is a Top-Down approach with some planning at every new
> level. But starting to code right away often leads into dead ends.
> Just my â 0.02!

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