Please be more specific with your question.  Is there a certain RS-170
camera that you have in mind, or do you just want general information
about RS-170 video signals?  If it's the latter, you may find the
following website useful: <a
RS-170 Video Signal</a>.

I assume that by the second half of your question, "any other
attachment about camera to the imaq acquisition ni pxi-1409", you are
asking how to connect an RS-170 camera to an IMAQ card.  Fortunately
analog cameras have a simple cabling standard that uses a single BNC
cable to connect the camera to the framegrabber.  National Instruments
also sells additional cables and breakout boxes that allow you to
access trigger and external digital I/O lines.  Please refer to the
following resources for more information on these cabling options: <a
Base 332E7RDI: What is the appropriate Cable and Connector Block for
my IMAQ Device?</a> and <a
href="";>NI Product
Page: PCI/PXI-1409 and Cables</a>

I hope this helps!

Best regards,
D. Putnam
Applications Engineer
National Instruments

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