Actually, this is a problem in LV6.0 depending on exactly what change in
datatype occurred. If a numeric ends up in the position where a size of
array used to be, we'll try to allocate an array that big, which could be
huge, resulting in an out-of-memory problem. I would suggest that this
works up through LV6.01 because the data modifications that you were doing
were always detectable as corruption, and never lead to a valid
interpretation with a really huge size. Bits may have shifted in LV7.0 and
so now your data has a valid interpretation.

The only workaround I know is to include a version (your version, not LV's
version) number in your flattened data.

I'm not privvy to the modifications being done in LV7.1 for this sort of
thing, but it would surprise me that a fix is coming since I don't know
logically of any way to fix it. But maybe someone smarter than me has an

Stephen R. Mercer
-= LabVIEW R&D =-

|         |           Albert_Zeitlmeir@|
|         |          |
|         |           Sent by:         |
|         |           <[EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|         | >      |
|         |                            |
|         |                            |
|         |           01/12/2004 09:04 |
|         |           AM               |
|         |                            |
  |       To:       "Info-LabVIEW Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                    
  |       cc:                                                                          
  |       Subject:  Bug in "Unflatten from String" (LV7)                               

Hello Wireworkers,

when unflatting certain binary datas with "Unflatten fromString" (LV7) I
get an error msg window "Nicht genügend Speicher zum Abschließen dieser
Operation" (* not enough memory to close this operation). The error-output
of the vi is incorrect.
Does anybody know a workaround of that bug?

I have binary files with different versions of a certain datatype. When
loading a file, I try to unflatten the data using the newest dataversion.
If I get an error, I try the 2nd newest dataversion and so on until I found
the right datatype. This methode was ok up to LV6.01.
In LV7.0 the bug appears when I try to unflatten to the wrong datatype. My
datatype is an array of clusters of strings and numbers.

NI knows the bug but has no patch or workaround. NI-service told me, to
wait for LV7.1, maybe mid of 2004, --- very ´good´ service.
This bug is a fatal problem for me, I cannot read many of my old measuring
datas under LV7.0.
If I dont find an solution, the consequence will be, I throw out LV7 and go
back to LV6.01.

Thanks, Albert Zeitlmeir

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