
We are considering replacing aging Tek scopes with the new 7000 series.
As you probably know, these new oscilloscopes have an embedded PC
running win2K with a GPIB controller. What's nice is through VISA, you
can get large length waveforms into LabVIEW PDQ for processing. The demo
unit we have also has a serial port and two USB ports.

However, I use a NI6713 analog output card in the PC which runs my test
VIs. The scope doesn't have a PCI bus card slot. For some of my testing,
I load the 6713 with trapezoidal waveforms on a few channels, then
generate simultaneous output.

On a per bench basis, I really don't want to maintain two OS
installations, though I do realize LV could probably "virtually" see the
6713 card from the LV running on the scope, with e-net connections to
both boxes. I want a USB 4 or 8 output waveform generator that can do
simultaneous output.

I found something called a WaveLAB USB
http://www.add2.co.uk/wavelab.html but alas, they don't mention anything
about LabVIEW. They do say "The WaveLAB OCX enables bespoke applications
to be written in Visual Basic". Sounds like a long way from a LabVIEW
driver for my skills...

Does anyone have a suggestion as to how I might solve my problem? I have
NI working on it now, but I thought I'd ask here as well. 

Best Regards,

Joe Jasniewski

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