
You asked:

How can I do to close an aplication in LabView and close windows and turn off PC.

My connection of snippets from this forum has this from a couple of years ago:

Subject: Late response on exiting Windows Programmatically
Date: Mon, 5 Mar 2001 11:03:27 +0100

Sorry for my late response but today I finally caught up with 2 weeks of info-labview.

I've looked into this a couple of weeks ago since I wanted to run
my built LabVIEW application as the shell and shutdown the computer
when the program quits.

To exit windows under win98 and WinMe you should call the
ExitWindowsEx function in shell32.dll.
You could use the rundll.exe program like this:
rundll32.exe shell32.dll,SHExitWindowsEx n

where n is one, or a combination of, the following numbers:

I haven't tested it because I only have one Win95 machine here but
I found it here: http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/Q234/2/16.ASP

Under WindowsNT look at the MSDN reference:

It says that you need shutdown rights before you are allowed to
shutdown the system, otherwise you will just log off. To get these rights
you have to request them, every user can get shutdown rights for the
local machine but you need administrator rights on the remote machine
to do a remote shutdown (a remote shutdown is where you tell another
computer then the one you are currently working on to poweroff).

To get the rights to shutdown for your program you need to do
some C-programming, maybe you could also do everything from LabVIEW.
What I did I copied the source code found here:

and put into a CIN (with some modification so I could specify the
kind of shutdown I wanted (logoff, Windows Exit or complete power off).

Then to really power down (if your hardware supports it) you should
make a change in your registry found here:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\PowerdownAfterShutdown -> "1"

or download a utility from your computer vendor which enables poweroff after windows exit.

Alternatively you can also download/use the WinNT Resource kit where you
will find the shutdown.exe utility which will request the proper rights for
you and poweroff if you start it with: shutdown.exe 3 /powerdown

I've made a little VI which will check if you run the development environment
in which case it will check if you have made some unsaved changes and if not
exit only LabVIEW. If you are running the runtime environment it will try
to power down the system depending on Win9X or WinNT method.

I haven't tried it on every platform and also I know that if you try
to powerdown on a system that does not support it it will reboot under
Windows95 instead of show the "it is now safe to turn off your computer"
screen. But that would require some extra work and it already serves my
purpose on the Dell WinNT machines I use (using the dell system utilities v.13)

If you're interested let me know.


Hope it helps some.

        Paul F. Sullivan


        SULLutions              (781)769-6869
        "when a single discipline is not enough"

visit http://www.SULLutions.com


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