Hi Ian,

There are a couple of ways I can think of.

The first is only useful if you know you don't have any multiple
entries in the array.  You can get the value of the selected cell
(over the ArrElem.Value) property, and compare this with all of the
vlaues in your array.

The second method should work on any array.  You can get the position
of the selected cell using the ArrElem.Xposition and Yposition (Text
may be different - I have the german version).  This, combined with
the Height and Width of each cell (also over the ArrElem Property) and
the index value of the array (readable from the Array Property node)
can be used to calculate the currently selected array.  Of course you
also need the X and Y coordinates of the array itself when calculating
the offset of the current cell.  This is a horrible complicated way to
do something simple, but I don't know of any other.

A cheeky way of doing this might be to store the original values of
the array and then temporarily "flash" the array with indexed values
(0...n) and then read out the value of the current cell before
re-instating the original values.  If you have large arrays, this is
of course not very efficient.

I don't have an example, but if you want I could whip one up.


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