I am using labview6.0 with PCI 6014 module for single point input,
single point output, waveform output and counters. In addition to my
pci card I am acessing data through the serial port. As most of the
data is independent of each other I am using sperate loop for each
operation with sleep tine of 100ms and updating their respective
global parameter inside their respective loop. I am using another loop
with sleep time of 1 sec to save the global values(I need to monitor
process values for every 1 sec) into a file. As my process parameters
do not vary very rapidly I am satisfied with the asynchronous data  if
the scanning time difference  between all parameters is less than 1

I have not faced any problem by using this method. But I am not sure
if it is a good practice to put different data acquistion process in
different loops. Please indicate if I can use a better procedure.


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