
I have problems to install a PC104 eagle card in labview6.0

Afer I Install the the eagle card on the computer.
(It works fine, and was installed proper, that tells me also the systemconfig)

and than
I have install the "LabVIEW™ Interface Driver For EDRE" 

I cannot find it in labview or labview can not find it ?

I dont know how I can install it in Labview.
Should i install the card in Labview or should labview see the card automatically ?

Can give me someone some hints or a desciption what I have to install first .......

I make it like this:
1. Installing Eaglecard in the system
2. Installing Labview 6.0
3. installing "LabVIEW™ Interface Driver For EDRE" 
   -> now labview do not find the card and I find no option to activate the card

Michael Haas

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