> I would like my stand-alone application, built with LV 6.1 builder,
> not to start running upon clicking on it. In otherwords, I just want
> it to open up the front panel and wait for the user to click on the
> run button before actually start running. Although I have NOT selected
> 'RUN on OPEN' in the VI properties, the application starts running as
> soon as it is clicked on.
> Can someone suggest a solution for this?

It takes a little bit of code, but the best way to do this is to write 
your app to start running and wait for user action to start its first 
task -- reading, writing, etc.

If it is still a single-shot app, just put a loop in front of the code 
that checks the buttons that will make it leave that loop and start its 
task.  Use dataflow from the loop to keep other parts of your code 
waiting for the answer.  Of course you can also use a sequence for this, 
but a single frame sequence is all that is necessary.

If your app needs to be able to reset or rerun the task, you might want 
to put a loop around the entire app, and add the logic to make a simple 
state machine.  You are either waiting to start a task, or executing 
some part of the task.  When the task is over, you move to another 
state, like waiting.

Greg McKaskle

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