Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
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Dear Sirs:

My name is Juan Crespo and I write you from Spain. I answer if you
could help me with a Labview problem. This is the problem.

I want to write a DLL for being used in labview, and i want to use
matlab for write this DLL. I have been searching in the web and
reading the NI "using external code in labview" manual in order to
know what I must do.

I know that if I want to use MatLab, I must build a "wrapper function"
to avoid the different data type between MatLab and  C. I have found
on the web -Thanks to Alberto Sanchez- one example about how could a
DLL could be written.

But it exist one diference: I want to read a plain text file that has
the input data. so I must read the file, store the data in an array
and then pass this array to the "interface functions" but in a simple
example this dont works

My question is =BFHow could I open a text file in order to use it as
input data in a DLL in Matlab?

Attached to this message is the code I use as "wrapper function". when
I compile it there is no apparent errors, but when I try to use the
DLL in a VI, an error appears.

If I change this code and the input is made "manually" (using the VI)
there are no errors. So I think that problem is in the way that
Labview consider "fopen" function when I build a DLL. The "num.txt"
file, where the data input are, is on the same directory that dll file
and VI file.

I hope that you can help me with this problem.

Thank you very much in advance and please sorry for my bad english

Best Regards

Juan Crespo
Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=foo_wrapper.c
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=foo_wrapper.c
Content-Description: This is the code that does nor work

 * MATLAB Compiler: 3.0

* This file foo_wrapper.c */

#include "matlab.h"
#include "foodll.h"
#include "matrix.h"
#include <stdio.h>

//main wrapper function definition
double wrapper_main (void){     

        //declare variable to deliver result
        double out;             
        double *in1;
        FILE *far;

        //Create two pointers of mxArray type to store inputs and outputs
        mxArray *in1_ptr, *out1_ptr;    
        //Allocate input pointer to a 1 by 1 double, real matrix
        in1_ptr = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,1,mxREAL);             

        far = fopen ("num.txt","r");                    

        fscanf (far,"%lf",in1);

        fclose (far);

        //Move the data from the input to the pointer                                  

        //Initialise foo implementation

        //Pass values to mlfFoo and receive in mxArray type variable
        out1_ptr = mlfFoo(in1_ptr);

        //Terminate foo implementation

        //Move from mxArray type to double type

        //move data to output variable
        out = *in1;                                             

        //Return value

void fill(double *out, double *in, int size){                   
        //This function moves data from one type to another
        int i;
                out[i] = in[i];


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