I have a problem here.
Program has 3 screens

screen 1
To save user entered parameters. Example - acquisition period value,
data storage location, averaging

screen 2
-data acquisition(DAQ) takes place
-graphs are displayed for user
-additional user parameter selection (user selected momentary
temperature acquisition)

screen 3:
Zoomed displays of graphs user has selected from screen2 graphs

When I go from screen2 to screen1/screen3 , data acquisition should
not stop. It must continue.
And the user entered parametrs on screen1 must be immediately
effective in screen2 (DAQ + storage part)

What is the best Tree structure? How should be interdependability?
'tab' control won't work and I guess neither event structure would. I
have LabVIEW 7.0
Since this is basic part of program structure, once begun , it's hard
to modify the basic frame.

Thanks in advance for Inputs, Ideas,help.


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