Hello RipGurl,

Thank you for contacting National Instruments.

To get immediate access to your data, it would be best to acquire
directly from Visual C++ (VC).  You can download an example for this
from the NI Developer Zone at:


If you need to use LabVIEW to acquire and log your data, you will not
be able to access the data in VC until LabVIEW has finished writing to
the file.
If you wanted access to the data closer to its time of acquisition,
you would have to alter your data logger to write to multiple, smaller
files.  For example, you could have your data logger write separate
files for every 5 minutes of sampling.  VC could then read those files
as soon as LabVIEW has finished writing them.

I hope this helps,

Sean C.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments

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