Hello Greg

Not sure what happened in my last posting but the LabVIEW error detail
got missed off the posting!

In answer to your questions regarding the blank string buffer - I've
tried 24 bytes, 48 bytes and 100 bytes of reserved space for the
output string buffer from the DLL but LabVIEW always crashes with the
usual "LabVIEW: An exception occurred within the external code called
by a Call Library Node...", "VI was stopped at Call Library Node
Function Node 0x6CC of subVI". The output of the DLL should return
(I'm assuming) the data to the string indicator (check the Visual
Basic, LabWindows/CVI and VC++ screen snapshots from previous
postings) but all I receive is the LV error and no data returned from
the DLL.

This DLL is supplied by the hardware manufacturer and I cannot
re-build or breakpoint the DLL as I do not have the source. I've also
looked at the excellent "Call DLL.vi" example that ship with LV7.0 and
have tried to replicate the Call Lib Node configuration in the VIs
(WinCHAR.vi, ANSIunsignedchar.vi and LVCStr.vi).

Why is it that Visual Basic, LabWindows/CVI and VC++ can all execute
this simple DLL call but LabVIEW seems to have a real problem?


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