When I want "low price" or simple and don't
need a lot of channels, I look at 6B series.
That goes to the serial port, so no computer
hardware is needed.


Uwe Frenz wrote:

Hi all,

I am interested in doing some LV-based DAQ experiments in my home
environment. Nothing important, just to check out some ideas.
For that I'd need some inexpensive (not necessarily cheap) DAQ HW, that
could be used in connection with LabVIEW, maybe later even with the student
edn. I have done a search on searchview.net, but there was no recent posting.
'Googling' for "DAQ inexpensive" results in about 2k findings, but I have
no clue on their quality and accessability from LabVIEW.

Anyone of you with more knowledge and/or some hints, links etc.?

TIA   and
Greetings from Germany!

-- -- -------- -- "Forgive everyone, Jim Henry Forgive everything." E mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] --Morrie web-page http://chem.engr.utc.edu/jim-henry College of Engineering and Computer Science University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA 37403 Phone: 1-423-425-4398 Fax: 1-423-425-5229

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