At 12:30 +0000 02/13/2004, Craig Graham wrote:
>The next is in the other port settings. The manual specifies 1 start bit, 8
>data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity. The VISA serial stuff in Labview 7, which
>I've only just started playing with, has properties for stop bits, data bits
>and parity which I've set, but I can find no option for start bits. Is this
>a problem? On the offchance, I've tried all three numbers for "stop bits"
>with no success.
One start bit is the only option.  I have never seen a device that uses a different 
number of start bits.  But serial is so screwed up I am sure there is someone out 
there that decided to use pi start bits!

>The bytestream can contain null characters, so I've found the "Discard NUL"
>property and switched it off. Since it's three wire communication- ground,
>rxd and txd, I've set handshaking to none. I've also disabled the
>termination character.
>Again on the offchance, I've tried sending an additional null byte at the
>end but it didn't help.
>Does anyone have any suggestions?

It seems that your device is not responding because it probably hasn't gotten a 
"complete message" from the host.  Check the documentation to see if there is a 
message terminator in the command string?  Try a carriage return or lf as a 
terminator.  Try EOT as a terminator.  Make sure that the string has the correct check 
sum (sometimes protocols have the checksum include the string lenght tag, sometimes 
not).  I would guess the problem is in carefully crafting the string since you have 
tried all the hardware options.

Many systems have a way of snooping on serial port communications.  I can give you a 
good way for Mac OS X......  But I am going out on a limb and guess that isn't your 
host system!  :-)  Others can suggest software for various winders versions.


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