OK, I think I am in over my head.  :)

I am considering using a PCI card (Sabtech NTDS interface card for those
interested), and it doesn't seem to have a nice simple DLL like I am use to. 
Instead it has a kernel mode Windows 2000 device driver, and I am expected to
use "...normal Windows I/O system calls..." to talk to it.  The driver is
written to be part of the Serial Port driver class, BUT it can not be treated
simply as a serial port since "...there are several restrictions on the I/O
calls...", and "...it has its own set of DeviceIoControl functions."

I know so little about Windows device drivers that I don't really even
understand the paragraph I just wrote.  Does this mean I can't talk to the
card directly from LabVIEW?  If I can, is it difficult for someone who uses
DLL's fairly often?  Can I use the Win32 API to talk to it?  Does anyone have
any suggestions on how to approach this?

There is another card I am considering from a different company that does have
a DLL (with a rather obscure command set), which I could use instead of this
one.  Or maybe I could get one of our .NET programers to write me something
simple.  Suggestions anyone?

Thanks for any nuggets of wisdom!

John Howard

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