Belated thanks Bruce! You saved me a TON of work already. I've been editing the state list(too many times) in Excel, pasting in in to a string control and looping it into a text ring, which then gets pasted into a strict typedef and converted to enum.

I did a project of similar complexity back in '97 either before I knew about typedefs, or maybe before they were availiable. THAT got a bit labor intensive.


Bruce Ammons wrote:

You can't do it with an enum, but you can do it with a text ring.
Create a small vi that just sets the strings[] list for a blank text
ring.  Copy the text ring into your program and convert it to an enum.


Bruce Ammons
Ammons Engineering
(810) 687-4288 Phone
(810) 687-6202 Fax

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Bill Gilbert
Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 12:27 PM
To: Labview Listserv posting
Subject: read strings INTO enum?

In th past when using an enum for a state variable, I 've read the strings out as an array from a property node. Works fine.

I got to thinking that if I could reverse the process and paste a list of strings into a string control(from excel), generate a string array, and read them INTO a blank enum, I could save myself a bunch of typing. I can get the string array, no problem, but I can't get the enum to accept them. I get a broken Run arrow, with the message "Enum has duplicate values", usually two blank entries.

Am I just barking up the wrong tree?


Bill Gilbert, EM Tech
UMN School of Physics and Astronomy
Tel 612 624 4870
Fax 612 624 4578        


Bill Gilbert, EM Tech
UMN School of Physics and Astronomy
Tel   612 624 4870
Pager 612 622 0174
Fax   612 624 4578      

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